
Plansee Seminar, Finance(Virtual)

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17th Plansee Seminar
International Conference on High Performance PM Materials
May 25 - 29, 2009
Reutte / Austria

As a presenting author or corresponding author of a contribution to be presented at the 17tth PlanseeSeminar may I kindly ask you to carefully go through the information given below, and to respond as might be required. This is a serial e-mail to all authors, so let me apologize for reminders that might not pertain.

Submission of Manuscripts:
The deadline for submission of manuscripts has been deferred to March 26. In case you should you not yet have supplied your manuscript please let me know if you are able to meet this extended deadline!

Aothough the deadline has been deferred to March 26 as above, we already submitted the manuscript for Plansee Seminar. We also got a mail for confirmation from Secretary of the Plansee Seminar as follows.

" With this letter we confirm your registration for the 17th Plansee Seminar.

Thank you for filling in your requests for accommodation and/or travel assistance, these have been taken note of. We will inform you as soon as possible.

The preliminary programme will be available on thePlansee homepage in March 2009. (


The authors would like to thank Dr. S. Tsukamoto of NIMS and Dr. H. Irie of former NRIM for EB welding and many helpful discussions. The authors would also like to thank Dr. T.S. Suzuki and Dr. S. Emura in NIMS for their cooperation of annealing at high temperature and specimen preparation. ATE and TA were carried out in cooperation with Univ. of Tokyo, CIT, JAERI, Rikkyo Univ. and NIMS through the efforts of H.S. The authors would sincerely like to thank TOTAN Co. Ltd. (now A.L.M.T. Corp.), Toyama for the cooperation of manufacturing PM Mo and Mo-Re alloys for many years. This international collaboration originated long time ago, since one of the authors (F.M.) started his R&D work of refractory alloys at NRIM (now NIMS) for a peaceful application of nuclear energy together with Dr. K. Shiraishi in JAERI [1]. At that time Mo-Re alloys by powder metallurgy were supplied us by Metallwerk Plansee, Reutte by courtesy of Dr. R. Eck [16]. In 1984 he had a chance to stay at the laboratory of Profs. M. Gillet and E. Gillet in Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Saint-Jérôme, Université d'Aix-Provence III, Marseille, where he could discuss with many young scientists from various countries. He is keeping contact with Dr. G. Gergely and Dr. M. Menyhárd of Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, Budapest and Prof. V. Matolin and Dr. V. Nehasil in Charles University, Prague. He also visited Dr. J.P. Langeron and Dr. G. Lorang of Centre d'Etudes de Chimie Métallurgique, Paris and Prof. A. Kobylanski and Prof. M. Biscondi at École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne to discuss topics about materials science and engineering. Afterward he developed their study as an international cooperative research since he communicated with A.V.K about 20 years ago. He could stay at NRIM in Tsukuba in 1996 sponsored by STA Fellowship to discuss and complete their paper [33]. At the same time, he organized a collaboration of low temperature neutron irradiation with RIAR since ICFRM held in Sendai in 1996 [2-4]. While leaving NIMS for his sabbatical stay at IPMS during 2003-2004 [5-9], our international project furthermore developed into trilateral one between RIAR, IPMS and NIMS. He would greatly like to appreciate the sponsorship of JSPS to make possible this collaboration between Ukraine, Russia and Japan. High temperature irradiation experiment in RIAR was performed by the contract for two years between RIAR and NIMS [3, 4]. V.P.C. and M.I.D would like to express their gratitude to the Visiting Fellowship by MEXT, which could invite them NIMS in 2003 and 2004 [37], respectively. Finally the authors would sincerely like to thank IPMS and MSF Lab. in Moriya which support this project since April 2006.

The other day we finished a blue return at Ryugasaki Tax Office for the first time.
Virtual Finace of MSF Lab recovered to to 15.5 MJPY as of 2009/03/23.

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